1 company information 2 product information 3 get SPL files

What's New?

Who Needs RSPL

Repackager and Relabelers of any drug sold in the United State of America must send the Drug Product Listing in SPL format to the FDA ussing the Electronic Submission Gateway. Using RSPL they can generate the necesary files with one click.

How to use RSPL

Three simple steps are necesary to generate the SPL file with RSPL.
  • Enter Comapny Informatio: includes company name, address, DUNS and contact information.
  • Product Information: includes labeler code, Original or Source NDC,Company NDC, Size and Form  of package and label image.
  • Click to get SPL File: RSPL will gather all the necesary information and produce a valid SPL file ready to be send to the FDA ussing the Electronic Submmission Gateway.